
Following the motto “Building the Future“, on the last weekend of September the 2018 Heinrich Rönner Manager Meeting took place in Wolfsburg.

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The Bremerhavener Heinrich Rönner Group is thoroughly pleased with the results of its participation in the industry leading exhibition SMM.

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It is a very special day, when the keel-laying of the “Trischen” and the launch of the “Hooge” take place at the same time. After having successfully delivered the “Haithabu” and the “Oland”, the Schleswig-Holstein Agency for Coastal Defence, National Park and Marine Conservation (LKN) is the client…

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By marking the build number and placing the traditional Lucky-Cent, the Schiffbau- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde (SET) has kicked off the build of the new floating grab dredger for the Magdeburg Waterways and Shipping Office (WSA).

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The SET Schiffbau- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde mbH was awarded the “Exemplary Training Company”-Award: The Magdeburg Chamber of Trade annually gives out this award for initiative and creativity in vocational training.

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A new ferry for the FBS Fähren Bremen-Stedingen was launched by the Schiffbau- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde. Keel-laying for the new passenger and vehicle ferry had taken place in December 2016.

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