SET Schiffbau- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde mbH

Member of the Heinrich Rönner Group

The company is located in Tangermünde and Gethin.

SET is primarily focussed on the production of new vessels and conversions of passenger ships, police boats and cargo ships.

SET executes customer orders for the design, workshop planning and building of fully equipped inland vessels.

For ship repairs we can supply services in shipbuilding, metal working, mechanical engineering and pipe works, and electrical systems.



SET Schiffbau u. Entwicklungs­gesellschaft Tangermünde mbh

Carlbau 7b
39590 Tangermünde

Phone: +49 39322 993 -0
Fax: +49 39322 99319


The next chapter for Stahlbau Nord: The firing start for the reserve gate

The construction of the reserve gate for the Emden sea lock is entering the implementation phase: Steel plates are precisely cut to size when firing begins – the first step towards the 1000-ton colossus!
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