The keel-laying of two seagoing work ships for the "Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Schiffe und Marinewaffen 71" at the SET shipyard in Tangermünde took place with great optimism.
The SET in Tangermünde successfully launched the working ship "Rheinau" for the port company of Mannheim. One of the oldest ships of the HGM, the supervisory and tug boat MS Rheinau, will be replaced by the new building.
The SET shipyard in Genthin received an order from the water management office in Kempten with the branches in Freiburg, Tübingen and Kempten for the construction of three aluminum work boats with a length of around 15m and a width of 6m for the Bodensee.
The Hamburg transport company HADAG ordered three innovative ferries from SET GmbH, which are ready for hydrogen propulsion and will soon expand HADAG's fleet of 26 ships.
The "Wesergrund", a floating grab for the Bremen Waterways and Shipping Authority, was handed over to its actual element on December 17th, 2020 by SET Schiffbau u. Entwicklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde mbH and launched.
Hull number 203 of the SET Schiffbau- und Entwciklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde mbH HR Gruppe is a floating grab dredger for the Bremen Waterways and Shipping Administration.
On 29 May 2019 the new Multi-Purpose-Vessel “Trischen” of the Schleswig-Holstein Agency for Coastal Defence, National Park and Marine Conservation (LKN) was launched and delivered into service by the Schleswig-Holstein Minister of Finance Monika Heinold in the beautiful inland-port of Husum.
With hammering in the build number and the keel laying date and the placing of the traditional lucky cent, the Schiffbau- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Tangermünde (SET) has kicked off the building of a new fishery control ship for the state fisheries agency in Bremerhaven.